Friday, January 29, 2010

Khamis Oh Khamis

Dah 2 minggu kena balik rumah Klang malam Rabu…habis class je terus balik rumah…ini semua gara-gara baby Darin Alya…huhuhu. Siapa baby Darin Alya tu…??? comel ke? of course la comel…macam maksu dia :P… Peha besar, pipi gembol…rasa nak gigit2 and makan2 jek…hahaha.

Ok berbalik kepada cerita asal, ada apa dengan hari Khamis ni…??? Hari Khamis je kena tolong bapak jaga Alya…sebabnya nenek aka my mom ada class mengaji sebelah pagi…tu pun kalau tak dulu petang ada class bahasa arab lak tapi selarang ni terpaksa berhenti gara2 dak kici ini…dengan adanya maksu kat rumah dapatla tengok2 alya sikit…dak kici ni nak tido pun menangis…aiyaa~~ kalau nenek yang dodoi, maksu la yang kena masak…kalau tak kelaparan la kami bertiga…huhuhu. Tapi maksu sekadar tolong mana yang mampu je…petang Khamis dah kena balik Shah Alam sebab malam ada class…tapi xpela…at least ringan la sikit kerja atok and nenek. Last week lagi best ditinggalkan keseorangan dengan baby. Nasib baiklah baby berperangai baik…elok je dia tdo…kalau tak kelam kabut maksu…nak tengok Alya, nak masak lagi…susah2 maksu masak Alya jela :P Next week pun mesti kena balik…huhuhu.

Ibu belikan la orang kereta…tak payah susah2 nak amik orang malam2…hahahaha. Alasan semata…muahahaha


p/s: papa Darin Alya tak nak bagi upah kat maksu ke…? bukan senang jadi maid import ni…hahaha

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Food for Friendship

Food for Friendship…is the tagline for 1901. So cute kn…tak dinafikan la dgn makanan pun kte bley bina friendship…for example my bf dl…he said the first time he saw me when I was at cafe…from there we start to know each other…:) see, betol x…hehehe. Kami berdua memang suka bab2 makan ni…hahaha.

And today is 19 January 2010…on every 19th of the month, the selected hotdog is on special offer. sangat menyukai perkara ni…last time my bf and I went twice to grab this offer. tp both months we went were the same hotdog Deutsch Doodle Dang…sgt kecewa tp xpela…great offer kn…almost half price. kali terakhir beli en boyfie beli sampai 11 hotdog, for himself and his housemates. sangat berbaloi2 :) but today I went with my housemate, shikin since en boyfie xde kt sini :( At first dh malas nk bangun, nk tunggu bus lg…tp entah kenapa bangun jugak and xdela lama tunggu bus. Then when I arrived, big smile on my face :))) it’s New York Chicken and Chicago Beef…dan sekejap lagi saya nk menikmati my hotdogs :) yummy yummy ;)

DSC01918my lunch and dinner for today :)

p/s: en boyfie, silalah jeles…I eat for you k! :P yours is beef and mine is chicken…yummy yummy ;)

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Got Feeling…

It is a BEP (Black Eyed Peas) song but I’m not talking about that song right now. It’s the feeling I feel right now. I just don’t know why but it is an uneasy one. Not like the song, the happy song…that tonight gonna be a good night…hahaha

Somehow I feel like emptiness, uneasy and those not the good one…aiyaaa, go away laa…I don’t like maaa…Not because of I’m alone in the house…ah just don’t know how to describe…urrgghhh!!! and also fell kind of mad + unsatisfied + disappointed…kalau dibiarkan ni boleh bertukar jd makhluk hijau…hehehe

Maybe it just my feeling…uh go away!!! syuh syuh :P

p/s: feel like wanted to go home…mau tenangkan fikiran…balik rumah jumpa baby Darin Alya lagi bagus…dapat tengok muka comel Alya…tenang hati maksu…hikhikhik

Sunday, January 10, 2010


9 January 2010 was a great2 day!!!

GSC OU(Sherlock Holmes) + Lunch(A&W) + Famous Amos + IKEA

(Curry Puffs+Meat balls+Pasta) = SUPER


Thanks a lot to my boyfie for making my day wonderful. I had great2 time with you and our stomachs also moving forward. hahaha. Mine is ‘bouncer’ and yours is ‘bouncerest’…that’s his word…macam2 la en boyfie ni…ah x kisahla moving forward pun…yg penting HAPPY!!! :)

Jutaan terima kasih kepada abg shahrul aka abg en boyfie kerana meminjamkan kereta kepada kami berdua yang kurang berkemampuan ini…huhuhu. Lain kali pinjam lagi ek. hehehe :P

p/s: – I – L – Y – :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Favourite All Time Movies

Suddenly I wanted to write about movies I like just because last night I watched Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen…hahaha. I watched many movies but some movies I do watched many times…So what are the movies are my favourite…?

  1. Transformers I & II – the movies just superb!!! the CGI effect, the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticon…it just caught my attention until the very last. I watched Transformers II twice at cinema with my boyfie. hahaha. We just loved it. Can’t wait for Transformers III in 2011. A year to go…hoho.
  2. Star Wars Trilogy – another amazing movies. I grew up with Star Wars. My father and my brother do loved Star Wars. I remembered one time when I was little girl, my family went to watch Star Wars. Then another minute I cried. So they all went home. Poor them. hahaha. The old Star Wars I couldn’t remember much. It was long long time ago. But I still love these movies.
  3. Iron Man – another movie with some kind of robot. Why I like this movie??? erm, because the movie is like an engineering type. hahaha. And Tony Stark was damn hot in the suit. hahaha.
  4. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight – ‘Keluang Man’ versi English. hahaha. Both movies are the best with hot batman hero. Another thing is the BatMobile. I wished I had that mobile. Just amazing. The Joker, some kind of funny-but-jahat-mafia…hahaha. But unfortunately The Joker is dead. Ntah pe2 ntah g bunuh diri…aiyaaa~~

Do you notice the similarities between those movies??? They all are movies based on comics except for Star Wars. If you ask any girls out there, maybe those movies are not on their list. Why??? I just don’t why. Maybe those movies are action pack movies. I loved action. Maybe not their type. They probably like movies with damn cute heroes. urrghhh…like Twilight. For me Twilight is a normal movies. More to romance than battle. bosan maa movie camtu…huhuhu.

Selain tengok movies yg penuh aksi, suka gak tengok animation movies. Especially Kungfu Panda, G-Force…if tengah sedih, boleh la layan cerita2 ni…bahan hiburkan hati. hehehe.

The movies up there, I had watched many times. hahaha. X pernah rasa bosan. Especially Iron Man. Xtaula dah berapa kali tengok. hahaha.

Actually banyak movie tengok…dgn kawan2, besties and boyfie…kalau kumpul tiket wayang tu mesti banyak. hahaha. mesti korang kata anne ni tengok English movies jek…hahaha. Actually xdela tengok crite2 omputih jek…ade gak Malay movies. Tengok kat wayang tau…Hey I’m supporting Malaysia movies, ok!!! hehehe. The best is KAMI The Movie. Best sebab tengok dgn2 besties aka my housemates plus wak jeng and paan. Other Malay movies like Congkak, Papadom, Jangan Tegur and most recent was Santau. Ada lagi tu tp dh x ingat…

Erm till now, bye bye :)





p/s: jom tengok wayang ramai2…sangat syiokk!!! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Second Semester

It’s been a while I didn’t post an entry since the new semester begin. The 1st week was quite ok…awal2 ni xdela class sangat accept for certain courses…So here is my classes schedule in this semester…


5.30 – 8.30 pm

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

5.30 – 8.30 pm

Foundation Engineering

8.30 – 11.30 pm

Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

8.00 – 11.00 pm

Advanced Finite Element Methods

5.30 – 8.30 pm

Timber Engineering

Saturday, Sunday and Monday are holidays!!! When everybody hates Monday, we just love Monday soooooooooooo much!!! weee~~ The previous semester, Friday till Sunday were holiday…but this time is Monday…what a wonderful day…hehehe. I have to be mentally and physically prepared for this semester. I registered for 5 courses. Lots of assignments, projects need to be done…also for the classes especially classes on Tuesday and Wednesday…the Tuesday class reminds me on my 7th semester during my degree. The lecture was Dr Sooi aka my supervisor. He is known for his best teaching…the very punctual person and the class will end until the last second…urrghhh kena bertahan sehingga 3 jam…wahai mataku, silalah bertahan…and also classes on Wednesday…straight 6 hours class…huhuhu. What make me worry with this schedule is how I’m going to go home if my housemate didn’t attend class that ends at 11 pm and 11.30 pm…if I’m not mistaken the last bus is at 11.00 pm…huhuhu. Cik Mila, janganlah Cik Mila x pegi class pulak ek…huhuhu. Hoping everything will run smoothly and do pray the best for me, k! :)

p/s: need to bring a bottle of water, sweets and food so that I will not get hungry and sleepy in classes. hehehe

Monday, January 4, 2010

Two Is Better Than One


I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

p/s: dedicate to my beloved boyfriend, AHMAD FAIRUZ… – I – L – Y :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Has Arrived

It’s 2010 already and it’s not too late to wish Happy New Year people !!! When new year arrived, people will make resolutions…but as for me, no need maa…kata pepatah melayu, hangat2 tahi ayam…heee~~ so x payah la azam2 ni…I’m just go with the flow. See what will happen this year. Hoping that everything will be as smooth as possible. Semoga ALLAH permudahkan segala urusanku…ammiiinnn~~ Hoping all for the goods…good health, good result, good life, good relationship…siapala yg x nak all the good things kn…

When the new year has arrived, meaning that new semester will soon to be opened. The 2nd semester and will gonna be tough…mana x tough…amik 5 subjek kot…hehe. It’s ok. Do the best and leave the rest to ALLAH. InsyaALLAH anne mampu melakukannya..chaiyok~~ chaiyok~~ :)

Until now…see you next time around. Have a blast on 2010 and may 2010 will bring lots of sweet memories and colours :)

p/s: take care :)