Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Two-Lines-Robe Day

It was the day I waited so long…And it was one of the most memorable day happened in my life. It was my CONVOCATION DAY!!! And why the title was as above? Because this time was my convocation for my master. There was two lines at the robe which indicated you’re graduating for master.

Alhamdulillah, I’ve completed my master in Civil Engineering (Structures). Never thought of having a master before this.

The day was on 12 May 2011, Thursday. We were the first batch, the first session on the first day celebrating our Convocation Day at the new hall, Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor. I was super excited! :)

Ok, let’s the pictures do the talking ;)

UITM (100409)-B Receiving the scroll from the Chancellor, YDP Agong :)

DSCN0712 Ibu dan Bapak…My backbone and my strength…Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

_1649Family Portrait…Love them so much!! Thank you for coming! :)

DSCN0716  Encik Ahmad Fairuz…Thanks for coming and the chocolate bouquet! :)

DSCN0718 My two best friends. So touched they came and the presents too. Thank you girls! :)

DSCN0710DSCN0737DSCN0705 DSCN0706 DSCN0707 The colleagues…Congratulations to all of you!! Some of them are my colleagues during degree too :)

DSCN0720 My cute naughty cheeky niece. She wanted my Tweety…tak malu! :P

DSCN0721 Muka tak puas hati…hahaha

DSCN0733 We are not twins! :)

DSCN0735 The bouquets I received…tak cukup tangan nak pegang. Hehehe

DSCN0736 Darin Alya tengok jela ye… :P

DSCN0744 The collections of the day:

  1. Chocolate bouquet with a bear from Encik Ahmad Fairuz
  2. Roses bouquet with Tweety from my sister
  3. Roses bouquet with either Chip or Dale and the tiny pink bear from my sister in law
  4. Artificial pink rose from Amy
  5. Parker Pen from Kak Emi
  6. Candle stand from Mila
  7. Cadbury Chocolate from Hunsa

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Walaupun tak ramai kawan macam masa degree, saya tetap happy. Tak kisah pun tak ramai kawan yang ada. Yang penting hari tersebut adalah kenangan terindah! Why?

  1. Sebab dapat Master. Dulu takde intention pun nak further to Master.
  2. All my family member were there. Dulu masa degree, ibu dan bapak je yang datang. Gambar family pun 5 orang je sebab kakak ipar dalam pantang. Tapi kali ini, 7 orang! :)
  3. Encik Ahmad Fairuz datang…ingatkan tak datang sebab dia baru keja, so tak boleh nak apply cuti. Sorry boss, boyfriend saya amik EL :D
  4. My best friends were there. Lepas ni convocation korang pulak. Hope that you guys will fell the same like I felt. Seriously, the feelings were different during degree.

An infinity thanks again!!! May Allah bless all of you! :)


  1. thank you!thank you!thank you!lepas ni turn ko pulak!so jgn malas2!!!hehehe

  2. Congrats....hihiks. Juz found this entry while blogwalking. I'll be graduating this sunday (23rd October - 75th Convocation)...x sabar! Hihiks. Currenly doing master.
