Has been made…which is I’m not accepting the offer. What’s the offer? To be a part-time lecturer at KLIUC.
Semalam hantar resume kat one of the lecturer at KLIUC, who is searching for this post. Tau pasal part-time lecturer ni pun dari one of my colleagues. *Thanks Kak Emi for informing me*
And I was the lucky one to be selected. First choice tau. Hahaha. She called and tell me the details…What subject I have to teach, the day and time of the class, the payment and I have not to worry about the notes and the tutorial…All are from the Professor who suppose to teach the subject.
Due to certain reasons, I’ve declined the offer. The major reason is transportation. Am I going to back and forth to KLIUC from Klang? It is quite a long distance. Takkan nak susahkan bapak lagi. Dari kecik sampai besar bapak yang jemput and hantar. So that was the main reason.
Susah kan kalau takde kereta? *Alaa kat rumah ada je kereta tapi ko yang taknak bawak* Hahahaha…I mean my own car…
+ Kenapa takde kereta?
- Sebab ibu tak bagi beli lagi. Nak beli bila dah keja nanti
+ Tapi ada je yang tak keja dah ada kereta…
- Dorang tu kaya…banyak duit…
+ Tapi takkan dah dapat keja baru nak beli kereta…nanti nak pegi keja macam mana pulak…?
- Hurmm tak tahulah…tengok jela macam nanti. Nanti barulah terkial-kial nak cari kereta…huhuhu
Ok, saya bermonolog di sini…biarla semua persoalan itu berada di fikiranku…
I believe that there will be a better offer in the future. Semua tu urusan Allah. He knows the best. InsyaAllah rezeki tak ke mana. Semoga ada keja yang bersesuaian dengan diriku dan juga yang terbaik untuk En Boyfie…Aminnn~~Doakan kami berdua, ok! :)