Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Yes, I’m very sad right now…

I need someone…

I need a shoulder to cry on…

I need my boyfriend…


He’s not here for me…

He’s busy…

He said I’m emotional…

Yes I am…in my current situation…

I feel tensed, worried and sad…

Deep down in my heart, I’m not that strong…

I cried, and cried…

Hoping it could ease my feelings…

But it seems like doesn’t work…

Blank head, blank mind…

Ya Allah…do guide me and show me the way…

Do protect my family…

Do protect Ibu from her illness that she suffered yesterday…

I love her soooo much!!!


  1. be strong dear :) semoga ur mom cpt sembuh

  2. yep. when being alone, believe, pray n be strong is the best way. :)

  3. aryn: thanx...

    paan: trying to be strong but sometimes we failed...
