Friday, December 24, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar

Owh the smell…memang busuk. Semalam try minum Apple Cider Viner (ACV) ni…bau dia, ya ampunnn…busuk maa…bau cuka la katakan…rasa pulak, of course la masam kan. Tapi kenapa tiba2 lak cerita pasal ACV ni ek…? Dah jadi orang kesihatan pulak. Hehe..

So lets take a look what Apple Cider Vinegar is all about…

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

  • ACV ni adalah sejenis ejen menetang bakteria secara semulajadi. Ada banyak vitamin dan elemen lain seperti Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Chlorine, Sodium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Silicon dan Fluorine. Elemen2 ni perlu dan penting untuk kesihatan tubuh badan.

How does Apple Cider Vinegar is made?

  • ACV is made by crushing apples and the liquid is then added with bacteria and yeast. Alcoholic fermentation process will started and the sugars will turn into alcohol. The alcohol is converted into vinegar in the second fermentation process by acetic acid, forming bacteria.

What are the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

  • Reduce sinus infections and sore throats (penting ni sebab selalu sakit hidung especially bila kena habuk. En boyfie pun perlu minum ACV ni sebab selalu batuk2 dan sakit tekak)
  • Balance high cholestrol
  • Cure skin conditions such as acne (bagi yang nak kulit cantik tu, boleh cuba)
  • Protect against food poisoning
  • Fight allergies in both humans and animals
  • Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
  • Strengthen the immune system (bagi yang lemah antibodi, boleh cuba)
  • Increase stamina
  • Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss (haaa PENTING untuk yang nak kurus tu)
  • Improve digestion and cure constipation (bagus untuk yang sembelit tu. Nanti senang nak o’ok :P)
  • Alleviate symptoms or arthritis and gout
  • Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections (kepada Angah en boyfie, disyorkan minum ACV ni…hehe)

Besides the above benefits, ACV also could prevent bad breath, body odour and cellulite :)

How to buy Apple Cider Vinegar?

  • It is advisable to purchase ACV with pH level of 5 to 7.

So, ada yang tertarik tak? Hehe…

Tak pasti lak berapa harga ACV kat Malaysia. Minum pun sebab ibu beli hari tu. Bagi yang suka masam tu, mungkin tak jadi masalah untuk ambil ACV ni. Bagi yang tak suka masam tu mungkin boleh cari alternatif lain. Mungkin ada di farmasi ACV dalam bentuk tablet/kapsul.



For more info, just browse at the internet :)

Sources are from Wikipedia and HomeRemediesWeb

Harap info2 ini dapat membantu…Mungkin tak semua tahu pasal ACV ni…I’m just sharing :)

Selamat mencuba! :)


  1. husna: xdela mcm supplement klu nak try,silakan.mane tau dgn izin Allah berhasil ke :)

    aryn: kat tesco pn ade :)

    owh ye,gmbr kt atas tu dr tenet.kt m'sia tak pasti ade x ACV bentuk yg liquid mmg ada kt m'sia
