Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sakit Otak…

So many things happened recently…

So many things to give a thought…

My dissertation…my relationship…hurmm…

I’m so tensed and stressed…

I cried… and cried…and cried…

Hoping that it could relief myself…

Maybe people saw me and said “She’s ok”…

But deep down in my heart, it really hurts…

It was really tiring…damn tired!!!

Hoping all those things will end soon…InsyaAllah…


  1. hope kamu ok ye yang..=))
    wlupun ai xtau wut is going on...

  2. i go through the same thing T_T master is tough.huhu

    be strong dear :D

  3. husna: thanx dear...pening pk dh...huhuhu

    aryn: mmg tough...lotih aku.cmne la aku ley amik master ni...musykil...hehehe. neway thanx dear :)
