Monday, March 22, 2010

The Fiesta Ain’t Hot Enough but Others Are Hot Hot!!!

21 March 2010

10.15 am – received a call from Ahmad Fairuz…

“tak bangun lagi ke…? lamanya tidur…”, si teruna

“belom lagi…malam tadi susah nak tidur…”, si dara

“bangun laa…pukul 11 lebih saya sampai shah alam”, si teruna

“hehehe…kena bangun ek…???”, si dara

“bangun laa…buat sarapan untuk saya”, si teruna

“erm yelaa saya bangun…”, si dara

then bangunla dengan malasnya…tapi hati berbunga riang…tersenyum-senyum…ehek!!

mandi, gosok baju and buat roti telor untuk si teruna tu…

around 11.30 he arrived but I’m not ready yet…hehehe

then we headed to destination which I don’t know where…

si teruna ni pun bawak je kereta tu…bila ditanya nak g mana, pandai je dia cakap kalau nak g USJ boleh jalan sini kan…

but…I can guess he wanted to go where…hahaha

then…sudah sampai PUTRAJAYA!!!

kan betol tekaan saya…hahaha


tapi tak dapat tengok belon panas di udara…sebab time rehat dorang kot…for me that fiesta tak best pun coz ada 3 biji belon je…apa daaa…

bergambar skit, then jalan2 kat gerai2 yang ada…we bought crocs there…3 pairs for RM50…hahahaha!!!

cadangnya nak g alamanda tapi jalan jam cam haram jek…so tukar haluan ke sunway pyramid pula…

-Sunway Pyramid-

we headed to pizza hut…yummy…we ordered a set of pizza chuncky loaded for 2, 4 pieces deli wing and cheese baked meatballs…banyak tak??? banyak kan…cam nak makan untuk 4 orang jek…hahaha. The cheese baked meatballs really3 delicious!!! I tell you…more delicious than at IKEA…after this if I buy pizza hut, I’ll order that meatballs too…hohoho. We had a SUPER GREAT lunch!!! :))

then jalan2, shopping2 kat sunway…

dah penat berjalan, kami pun pulang ke shah alam…

tapi…bukan balik rumah terus…


we watched EPL at hakim…Manchester United vs Liverpool…our favourite team :)

sungguh meriah dan sesak kat hakim…dengan muka tak malunya, kitorang tumpang meja dengan 2 orang perempuan…luckily they were ok and guess what…they are MU fans too!!!hohoho

erm malas la nak ulas pasal bola…


the main thing is…MU won the game!!!

we had a very very good time yesterday…thanks a bunch dear for coming to shah alam…and of course after this don’t know when we going to meet again…a bet you will be super busy after this…huhuhu  :(

InsyaAllah we will meet again…if not tunggu sampai kenduri angah la jawabnya…hopefully I can be there…InsyaAllah…

take care dear and I-L-Y :)

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