Food for Friendship…is the tagline for 1901. So cute kn…tak dinafikan la dgn makanan pun kte bley bina friendship…for example my bf dl…he said the first time he saw me when I was at cafe…from there we start to know each other…:) see, betol x…hehehe. Kami berdua memang suka bab2 makan ni…hahaha.
And today is 19 January 2010…on every 19th of the month, the selected hotdog is on special offer. sangat menyukai perkara ni…last time my bf and I went twice to grab this offer. tp both months we went were the same hotdog Deutsch Doodle Dang…sgt kecewa tp xpela…great offer kn…almost half price. kali terakhir beli en boyfie beli sampai 11 hotdog, for himself and his housemates. sangat berbaloi2 :) but today I went with my housemate, shikin since en boyfie xde kt sini :( At first dh malas nk bangun, nk tunggu bus lg…tp entah kenapa bangun jugak and xdela lama tunggu bus. Then when I arrived, big smile on my face :))) it’s New York Chicken and Chicago Beef…dan sekejap lagi saya nk menikmati my hotdogs :) yummy yummy ;)
my lunch and dinner for today :)
p/s: en boyfie, silalah jeles…I eat for you k! :P yours is beef and mine is chicken…yummy yummy ;)
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