Today is 30 December 2009. It’s coming to the end of year 2009. Time flies. Suddenly it comes to the end. A lot of memories happened in this year. The ups and downs, the tears and joys. All these will be remembered and become experiences in a journey called life. Ok lets recall and flash back what had happened throughout 2009 :)
December 2008 – May 2009: It was the final. The final year. The 8th semester of my study after struggling for 4 years. It was a hectic semester. Tons of work have to be done. With final year project, design project, tests, assignments, exams…all need to be done. Very tiring, horrifying…huhuhu. But there was somebody that stand by the side. Thanks a lot to my colleagues, housemates…They were there during the ups and downs…giving a helping hand, shoulder to cry on…What I remembered most is I was chased out from the class. hahaha. sory la En Rizduan…bkn nk b’kurang ajar tp En tu yg emo…sy syorkan En g ESQ la…ngeee~~
June 2009: Precisely 3 June 2009 I’m married !!! :P eh silap la…not married yet lorr…Finally I’m someone girl. Who’s the boy??? jeng jeng jeng…It is Ahmad Fairuz. We have been friend for 1 year. Betul ke syg? hehehe. He the one who remember such things. Finally ALLAH opens my heart to him. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for everything you have done to me…Being with me when I’m sad, bwk g jln2 makan2…We love to eat, kn syg…ngee~~ It such a great with you :)
July 2009: Enroll to master program. Never had a thought of this. Further studies to master after degree. huhuhu. What I can say that doing master is tough for someone like who doesn’t has working experience and the subjects are new to me unlike when doing degree. huhuhu. But Alhamdulillah 1st semester went well. Hoping the next 2 semester will be great next year. InsyaALLAH…Do pray for the best, ok :) Also July is my father’s birthday month. Happy Birthday Bapak. May all the goods be with always…good health, good fortune…insyaALLAH
August 2009: It was my sister in law’s birthday :)
September 2009: It was En Fairuz’s birthday. The first time we celebrated together although a bit early due to time. The Invader t-shirt was a gift from me to him :) Happy Birthday Sayang. I love you much2 everyday :)
October 2009: A month full of events. First it was my sister’s birthday on 13. Next is was my mother’s birthday on 16. Then on 18 was my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. We had a big cake for three of us :) Then 19 was the happiest. A new family member was born. Actually she was expected to born on 18 which is same with me but this little baby sombong…x mo sama tarikh dgn maksu dye…xpe2…Anyway there was additional member in our family tree and her name is Darin Alya binti Faizal and now she’s 2 months 11 days. Can’t wait to see you bigger. Maksu challenge Alya pecahkan rekod maksu, ok ;) And finally was my convocation day. Thanks to my parents for being there on that day. Although x dpt ANC, okla tu dpt First Class Degree…Syukur Alhamdulillah :) and thanks to En Fairuz for the flower and singa inspirasi and also my sis for the adorable tortoise :) My friends and I had a blast on that day with the photo shoot. Very2 nice :)
November 2009: Exam week!!! Scariest week tp syok bley study sama2 dgn En Fairuz kt KFC, Khulafa…the next two semesters, he will not be there…nk study dgn sape ni syg…??? :(( And when exam over, HOLIDAY TIME!!!! hiphip hooraayyyy!!! rehat puas2 k ;) And also it was my brother’s birthday :)
December 2009: The final month of the year. The month that the result will be out and Alhamdulilah I passed so do with him. Sungguh sukar untuk dipercayai bile tgk result. Ape2 pn, syukurrrrrr… :)
I think that’s only I remember. hehehe. Ampun maaf diminta atas segala kesalahan, kekasaran, ketelanjuran kepada rakan-rakan yg mengenali. Hope 2010 will bring lots of cherish in my life, my family, Fairuz’s life, my friends’ life and to everybody in this earth. May ALLAH Bless all of you :)